Is there anything going on with your teeth that you're worried about?

Today, I am going to share with you a comic that I made last year after visiting the dentist, and I was reminded of it last week when I went for another check-up. Appointments like that are such interesting markers of time: oh look, another 6 months have gone by. Insert "oh my god what I have done in that time" etc. I also recently had my eyes checked and I was sent off with a cheerful "I'll see you in two years!". I had never met this optometrist before and I found her confidence in us meeting again in two years absolutely astonishing. What if one of us moves away?! What if I have my eyes tested somewhere else?! Of course it could just be a thing that she says to everyone.
Anyway, here's the comic. I have not shared it online in full before but it's included in my printed collection My Usual Nonsense!