Where to Start (R & G #6)
Rat and Goose get a makeover!

I've been playing with the idea of trying out Rat and Goose in colour for a while, as well as generally refining the character designs and the format of the comic, and I've finally managed to make some progress.
R&G is a series I've been working on now and then for most of this year. It started as super loose pencil sketches on sheets of paper - unplanned doodles that I was doing at my desk in between work calls. Here are the links to past iterations:
R & G #1
R & G #2
R & G #3
R & G #4
R & G #5
However, having unplanned, unorganised sketches on random sheets of paper does present a challenge with consistency. I'd never really taken the time to explore what I wanted them to look like. I'd just drawn a rat and a goose without thinking about (rather key) questions such as the scale of the drawings, the style of the world, if they could/should be coloured. For example, most of the past R&G comics do not feature any backgrounds - simply because I didn't have the time to think about what those would be, let alone draw them. And while I like the sketchiness of the drawings, it's always good to have the option to adapt!
Rather belatedly, I've done some sheets of exploratory sketches of the two characters. I'm still not sure that I'm sure of anything, but it was fun.

Then I did a quick colour test on an old drawing of the two of them.

I also thought about what a logo/title panel might look like.

And finally, here's a Rat and Goose comic, in colour!

I'm considering revisiting the first R&Gs to see if I want to rework/collect them in a similar way - perhaps to include them in a printed comic book. Then again, I've been wanting to put together another zine for about a year and a half and just haven't found the time! I've just sold out of copies of my first comic collection and the second one is almost sold out - so it is starting to feel like I should put something together soon to stock my online shop with... Seeing how we're almost into December it is looking like that might be a job for the new year.
Round body,
L x

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