One Bustina
Hot chocolate celebrations

Hello email subscribers!
Long time no see. I have been working on the comic I'm sharing today since December - I wish it was because it is an elusive masterpiece that's taken a lot of work. Nope, the boring reality is that I've simply struggled to find time to work on my comics. I started a full-time traineeship about a year ago, which has been more demanding than I expected - though I really enjoy it! I am making children's TV.
I've now built up the capacity to create a bit of work again (this now has to happen in small half-hour pockets before and after work/the weekend). I regret that I've not been able to share much work over the last year - for those of you patiently waiting, I thank you! It is my sincere belief that I'll keep making work and sharing it, even if takes a wee bit longer than it used to.

It's funny, isn't it, how everything in life seems to happen all at once - winning the Observer/Faber Prize is probably the biggest thing that has ever happened in my career as an Illustrator, and it just so happens that it came at a time where I had just found a day job I really enjoy. So, when people ask me what "big things" are happening for me - in terms of how my art is going - I find it hard to know what to say. It is big for me that I've got this full-time job! Anyone who has a full-time job as well as a creative practice will know that it is simply not possible to give both things the attention they need at the same time. I'm still new to finding that balance.
May your bustinas be exactly the right porzioni for you,
L x
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