Hold on Tight (R & G #2)
The adventures of Rat & Goose continue

I managed to draw a bit today, for the first time in 3 weeks. The explanation for this is straightforward: I have started working full-time. Perhaps a different post is needed to get into the details of this. To summarise - exciting opportunity, adjusting to my new lifestyle, am exhausted!
I've channelled these feelings into some more Rat & Goose content. When I shared my sketches of them a few weeks ago, I suspected it would be a one-off comic. However, I received several lovely comments on Instagram and even an email in which someone explained they were so touched by that little comic they were considering getting a Rat and Goose tattoo (!). With such a loud and clear public outcry, I simply had to continue their story.

Hope you're all well and holding on tight,
L x
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